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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "How would you KNOW anything about the intelligence of other people?" By what they say and do of course. HOW ELSE?

"How would you KNOW anything about the intelligence of other people?" By what they say and do of course. HOW ELSE?

How would you KNOW about anyone or anything for any reason at any time?

You wouldn't?
You would because you would pay extreme attention to what they say and do. From that you would extrapolate.

Someone tells me that I am a cannibal. I sex traffic children whom I rape and torture and murder then eat. I am a PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT you see so they KNOW who I am and what I am. According to them.

I would say such person is a nutjob crackpot insane psychotic sociopath. I am not any of those things of which I am being accused.That person tells me I am.

Do I accept his/her/its/their assessment of who I am and what I am? What a ridiculous stupid dumb question. OF COURSE NOT!

Posted - June 17, 2021
