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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Insurrectionists are a fitting receptacle for propaganda. They lack the intellectual wherewithall to "think" for themselves. Any exceptions?

Insurrectionists are a fitting receptacle for propaganda. They lack the intellectual wherewithall to "think" for themselves. Any exceptions?

Nope. Not one. They are all vapid empty jars of nothing that are filled with lies and conspiracy theory bullsh** which they embrace and make part of them. Not one of them has enough brains to consider what they are doing and why. They get filled with the gibberish claptrap blather and that is what they are directed by until they die.

Vapid empty vacant. On their own their are nothings. Filled up with lies hate propaganda they are all that they will ever be. Tools to be used by those whose goals are evil.

Posted - June 17, 2021
