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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you were able to open a door to another dimension in space or time or spacetime would you go through it alone/want someone with you?

If you were able to open a door to another dimension in space or time or spacetime would you go through it alone/want someone with you?

Or might you just take quick peek at which might be seeable but never go through it?

Posted - June 17, 2021


  • 6023
    That would depend on if I knew it was a 1-way trip, or was positive I could come back when I wanted.

    If it's a 1-way trip, I'd definitely want someone with me.  
    A few people, at least.

    If I knew I could return when I wanted, I would probably go through alone.
      June 17, 2021 7:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche Walt! Good catch. I hadn't though of that at all. I would need to be assured I could come back if and when I wanted to or I wouldn't be brave enough to go. I mean not knowing what would be there and being stuck forever? Not me. No way. Even if you knew when you could return wouldn't you feel "safer" with someone else along for the adventure? I'm not at all brave but I expect maybe you are. Thank you for playing! :)
      June 17, 2021 7:32 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I'm thinking like Stargate ... I wouldn't go in blind.
    There would have been drones sent in first, to see what dangers were.
    And I wouldn't be going to a hostile environment.

      June 17, 2021 7:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So how would that work exactly Walt? Would the drones come back with pictures? Will drones ever be able to "talk" and report what they see? I know they already do flyovers and take photos so would that be what you mean? Thank you for your reply. Sadly I've never seen "Stargate" so I'm unfamiliar with it. Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 17, 2021 7:59 AM MDT

  • 6023
    They send a drone through the portal ... it looks around and tests the atmosphere, transmitting that data back through the portal so they know if it's safe for humans (or if they have to wear hazmat suits, or it's too dangerous even for that).
      June 17, 2021 11:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That sounds PERFECT! It analyzes the terrain , assesses what humans need to stay alive and let's you know IN ADVANCE. Yep. I think I could do that Walt. Not alone on my own but certainly with Jim or a pal. I wonder now that we have figured out how it's safely doable...if we will ever get the chance at it? Thank you for your informative and helpful reply! :)
      June 17, 2021 11:42 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Unless there is an unexpected, giant leap in both science and technology ... I don't see it happening in our lifetime.
    But, as I've said before, I believe quantum physics will eventually lead to advances in travel allowing interplanetary and interplanar (dimensional) travel.
      June 17, 2021 1:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Me too. I know I've told you at least a bazilllion times if I were smart enough I'd be a quantum physicist. But I'm smart enough to be drawn to it like a magnet. I don't have to understand everything to enjoy all of it. So some of it is above my head? So what? I still get my kicks from it. I just wonder if one day some day eventually all there is to know will be known by us homo saps? Or will it always be out there just beyond our reach? SIGH! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 17, 2021 1:09 PM MDT
      June 17, 2021 1:08 PM MDT