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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some of us believe in a higher power/supreme being. Some of us don't. You know what binds us toghether? WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING! Agree?

Some of us believe in a higher power/supreme being. Some of us don't. You know what binds us toghether? WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING! Agree?

We "think" or we "believe" there is or there isn't. We cannot KNOW because we limited by our current experience. From that we extrapolate to a "what is" we cannot possibly assess.

Now most of us realize that so we are not hard-nosed or stubborn or rigid. We allow for being wrong about what we "suppose" "Opine" "Believe" "Think" .

So where are we? In the exact same place as everyone else. Until we reach the "after" we don't KNOW.

Only ARROGANCE would cause us to think we do.

Are you?

Posted - June 17, 2021
