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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The song "LITTLE BOXES" is an anthem to vanilla. Fitting in. Staying inside the lines. Never diverging from same. Are you vanilla?

The song "LITTLE BOXES" is an anthem to vanilla. Fitting in. Staying inside the lines. Never diverging from same. Are you vanilla?

The lyrics are a hymn to sameness.

"Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same"

The tip of the iceberg. All cult members are ticky tacky. They DARE NOT differ or they are target for "elimination" at least figuratively.

They sing that song 24/7. They take pride in being same not different. Abiding by never diverging from.

Uniformly predictable dependable rigid.

A goal for millions. Why I do not know. Do you?

Individuality is evil to them and must be stomped on..gotten rid of by any means possible.

Inviduality is dying. Listen closely. Do you not hear the death rattle?

Posted - June 18, 2021
