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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's news to me. You too? The bible is silent on the day or time of year Mary gave birth to Jesus. Know what the URANTIA BOOK says about it?

It's news to me. You too? The bible is silent on the day or time of year Mary gave birth to Jesus. Know what the URANTIA BOOK says about it?

The URANTIA book says that Jesus was born at noon on August 21, 7 B.C.

Correct. According to it Jesus was born 7 years before he was born according to other mystic sources.

We in great wisdom say it is December 25.

Any other birthdates out there about Jesus?

So here's point. WHAT THE DIFFERENCE which date is accurate? ISN"T THE POINT HONORING JESUS? Not because of his date of birth because of what he represents to the world? Piddly toshing over this date or that is silly don'tcha think? Stick to the core issue. Don't get caught up in the edges the minutae the trivia the irrelevant..

Posted - June 18, 2021


  • 10568
    Its silent because God knew that if He told us the exact day we would worship it instead of His Son.  Most people know that Jesus wasn't actually born on December 25th (biblical inferences shows otherwise).  However, you're right, it doesn't matter the exact date Jesus was born, what matters is the fact that He WAS born.  
      June 18, 2021 1:59 PM MDT

  • 6023
    Confusion over the year is due to messing with changing the calendar from Hebrew to Julian to Gregorian.

    Actually, the date of the celebration of Jesus' birth was selected to encourage "pagans" to convert to Christianity.
    So was the celebration of Easter.

    To some Christians, there is no difference between that and the Israelites adopting the worship of the Golden Calf.
    They believe it is a blaspheme against God.

    I had never heard of the Urantia Book, so looked it up.
    Not sure how much I would trust it - given it's author is unknown.
      June 18, 2021 2:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    At least as much as you would "trust" the Bible? A bazillion MEN contributed. Some women did too but their stories were outlawed. Misogyny you know. You don't "trust" the Bible do you Walt? I don't because it was written by multiples of men over many decades and a COUNCIL of politicals DECIDED which books would be allowed in and which would not. How anyone thinks as it stands it is THE WORD OF GOD is beyond me. Different strokes. I don't need it to have a strong faith. It gets in the way just like church gets in the way just as the "true believers" get in the way. I know what I BELIEVE and why should I care what others tell me is "TRUE"? For them maybe. Not for me. Now when I die if that's it what did I lose while alive in thinking there would be more? I can't see anything I'm thinking or believing now that is so awful so bad so evil. I don't think I'll end up in purgatory for my belief in something bigger and beyond me. I could be wrong of course but it's MY GAMBLE. Thank you for your reply m'dear. How's your weather these days? :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 19, 2021 1:55 AM MDT
      June 19, 2021 1:53 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Nope - I don't trust the Bible, as a whole, either.

      June 21, 2021 8:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We have more in common than uncommon. That's for sure. But we are enough diffrunt to make it interesting. I speak for me not thee. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      June 21, 2021 9:56 AM MDT

  • 3719
    To all intents and purposes much of the Bible is by unknown authors too.

    Yes, they put their names to some books, but does anyone really know anything about them? Or where they found their ideas?

    (Some are from the ancient Persian, Zoroastrian faith, which still survives in a very small way; including, surprisingly perhaps, in its ancient home-land now called Iran.)
      June 23, 2021 5:06 PM MDT