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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I understand PRETENDING to believe the absurd due to fear. That is not what is going on here. What is?

I understand PRETENDING to believe the absurd due to fear. That is not what is going on here. What is?

The 74 million plus Don Guano adoring worshippers BELIEVE the BIG LIE and everything attendant thereto.

They do?  They do.

They believe the deep state deep throat deep dive voodoo hoodoo doodoo of the Qanons belief that dems are worshippers of satan and sex traffick children they torture rape murder and eat. They believe that GOD senteth the Don Guano to salvation them. They do? They do.

You laugh as if you can't believe anyone is that idiotic. You'd be wrong.

They believe. They believe. They believe.

The world's most stupid dumbs that ever were are what resulted in a fat old loser reprobate liar ginger dyed man coming down an escalator and declaring his candidacy for the presidency. A rue day any way you slice it and we will never live down. He continues today. The fat old obsolete ginger man dyed from head to toe dispensing woe wherever he goes. 74 million strong believe him believe in him  believe the nutjob crackpot idiosyncratic hype.

Where to next? Who knows?

Posted - June 19, 2021
