Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. Though I did not read a number listed for how many people attended the Guantanamo rally it was BIG! Next rally?

BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. Though I did not read a number listed for how many people attended the Guantanamo rally it was BIG! Next rally?

Saturday, July 3 at 8pm eastern in Sarasota, Florida.

Many more thousands will show up there. IT'S ALIVE!

This is the future and all of them lust after his represidenting. It's what they wish for hope for pray for live for. Nothing else matters to them but him.

How do you stamp out such a vicious infectious thing as hero worship? I think you don't. You just step aside and watch the damage the sacrilege the carnage. They are bent on destruction and nothing will stop them.

We need a Deus ex Machina. We need a MIRACLE. We need. We bleed.

Posted - June 27, 2021
