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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "They" are anti abortion and anti birth control. One must thus therefore obviously conclude "they" want women pregnant 24/7. Why?

"They" are anti abortion and anti birth control. One must thus therefore obviously conclude "they" want women pregnant 24/7. Why?

Because it's a sign of MANLINESS to impregnate dames. If "the little woman" has 20 kids it shows how virile he is. Also pregnant women are always busy being pregnant and taking care of all those they give birth to. Every time after hubby dear makes sure to get her pregnant again. Why not? What else is she good for but sex and making babies so he can brag about it? So six weeks after having given birth he knocks her up again
Easy peasy. And so it goes. Sure some might die in giving birth so often like brood mares. So what? There are more dames out there to replace them. SIGH.

Posted - June 27, 2021


  • 34719
    Who is anti-birth control?  I oppose abortion as birth control or things such as the abortion pill.  

    Birth control is about preventing a pregnancy. Not ending/terminating/aborting a pregnacy.
      June 27, 2021 8:44 AM MDT

  • 258
    I assume contributor RosieG is likely referring (by her word "they") to Catholic doctrine, which forbids both contraception (preventing a pregnancy), and abortion (ending/terminating) a pregnancy. This post was edited by Robert at June 28, 2021 8:51 AM MDT
      June 28, 2021 8:50 AM MDT