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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The "supremes" are supposed to SOLVE problems not CREATE them. The voting rights restrictive legislation ABOMONATIONS are its doing. How?

The "supremes" are supposed to SOLVE problems not CREATE them. The voting rights restrictive legislation ABOMONATIONS are its doing. How?

Eight years ago the Roberts' Court GUTTED the Voting Rights Bill that had worked to restrict states from doing exactly precisely what they are doing at a furios rate today.

RESTRICTING VOTING so they can jin up a win. Obstructing/blocking people of color from voting. Any way possible. Legal or illegal.  Maxt nicht.

SHAME ON the "supremes"

To make up for it they should undo what they did and put back what they gutted. OR ELSE

Democracy and voting goes down the toilet forever. SHAME to them. A POX on them.

Until they make right what they did wrong they are under a cloud from which they will never recover

Posted - June 28, 2021
