Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How evil is he? Well ALLEGEDLY he ordered the military to SHOOT TO KILL protesters. Then he said "SHOOT TO HURT THEM". DIDJA KNOW?

How evil is he? Well ALLEGEDLY he ordered the military to SHOOT TO KILL protesters. Then he said "SHOOT TO HURT THEM". DIDJA KNOW?

The military heads said the Constitution would not give them the authority to do it.

The nutjob crackpot maniacal psycopath ORDERED THE MILITARY TO SHOOT TO KILL PROTESTERS. Allegedly.

74 million adorinworshippers wanted 4 more years of him. THE BIG LIE is his ticket to represidenting. Millions of nutjob crackpots MISS HIM and WANT HIM represidenting.

All is lost. Alas. SHOOT TO KILL! What else will we find out about the nutjob crackpot psychopath?

Posted - June 29, 2021
