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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per Susan del Percio a former Rudy the G "strategist" the GOP needs to "BURN DOWN TO PURGE IT". Then it arises from its own ashes?

Per Susan del Percio a former Rudy the G "strategist" the GOP needs to "BURN DOWN TO PURGE IT". Then it arises from its own ashes?

Fires and brimstone and He**? Burned at the stake like a witch or warlock to survive and thrive once again?

As what? For how long until the next nutjob crackpot deviant perverted depraved egomaniac takes over again?

Naw. Just let it be as it is and watch the SPECTACLE. Entertaining n'est-ce pas? C'est ca. Ca vas sans dire.

Posted - July 7, 2021
