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Without our memories who are we?

Posted - July 7, 2021


  • 10664
    Nothing.  Life is nothing but memories.  "Now" only lasts for a fraction of a second and then it's history (in the past).  So to live through "now", we must rely on memories.  We have to remember how to drive, how to use a knife to prepare food, what a certain flower should smell like, who other people are (Family, friends, strangers), how to type or write, where the bathroom is, and so forth.  
      July 7, 2021 12:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is what I fear the most m'dear. Forgetting whole blocks of my life and the people therein. It happens to far too many and I think without memories we would be very fearful. I cannot imagine not being frightened can you? Thank you for your reply! :) Do you fear that most too about aging or is it something else or nothing at all? :)
      July 7, 2021 12:08 PM MDT

  • 10664
    I fear the lack of mobility and the loneliness that comes wit aging.
      July 7, 2021 12:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    At 83 I'm as mobile as I ever was. No limitations on my mobility whatsoever. Jim has a bad back though. Padding missing in his spine makes him in pain a lot of the time. I do all the heavy lifting including carrying the bottled water we get. The heaviest is the 3 gallon jug...each gallon weighs 8 lbs so I carry 24 lbs x 3 bottles plus 16 lbs x 3 bottles. It's good for me and helps Jim. We both win. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Do you lack mobility now? As for loneliness have you an established network of relatives/friends? I know you're a loner like me but still there are people on whom I can count if need be. Thank you for your reply. For me it's the mind. I have traveled so far using it and gained so much joy I don't know whom I'd be if that were taken away from me. I don't want to find out! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 7, 2021 12:58 PM MDT
      July 7, 2021 12:48 PM MDT

  • 10664
    NOt yet, but I  have bad carpal tunnel syndrome (both hands) and some neuropathy in my feet.
    I have my sister, but her heath isn't great either.  I have never had 'close" friends.  
      July 7, 2021 1:04 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I have neuropathy in both feet and was told that is a normal result of getting chemo. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't hurt. My feet are just kinda numb all the time. Also the chemo affected my memory. What else it affected I don't know but when you pump POISON into your body every three weeks for three days for six months to kill a deadly invader some consequences are left behind. You never had a close friend m'dear? I have had a few...mostly males. First my Dad but I guess he doesn't really count. Then my friend Jerry in high school. We were best buds through junior college. Then a gal here and there I'd meet at my work. One girl, Lynn, was my maid of honor. Then my longest term friend was a gal named "Pat". We worked together for a few years and maintained a friendship for years later but we lost touch. My sister has many friends, some of whom she met in grammar school. She is a magnet for that. Everyone loves her. I'm quite proud of her and of course she is my very best female friend. It would be so sad if she weren't. I've had very good friends I'd meet at work. We just would click and they'd kinda look out for me. I have been so very lucky. Well I don't flirt. Never learned how and I always thought that was like lying. I think maybe that's why they were drawn to me. i didn't play those girly games other females play. I never asked why. For being a loner and painfully shy as a child I really lucked out in the folks I met along the way. It's nice to have people watch out for you without wanting anything from you but friendship. I know you're on another internet social site or maybe a few? What about those folks? Any there any you feel close to that you can talk to and share things with? From my perspective we're friends. I'm old enough to be your mom but SO WHAT? From your perspective I don't know and it doesn't matter because you're here and that's good enough for me. Maybe you do have pals if you stop to think about it. maybe not the kind of "friends" people think of but on the same wavelength where you don't have to explain yourself all the time? I wish many pals for you and maybe a very good friend! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! I'm sorry your sister's health isn't that great. I hope it improves! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 7, 2021 1:30 PM MDT
      July 7, 2021 1:25 PM MDT

  • 581
    If one has no memories, then one can only be what others may construct of us.  I am only an actor, I play the part I am given.
      July 7, 2021 12:58 PM MDT