Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The assassinated "president" of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, raised public anger because HE REFUSED TO LEAVE OFFICE! Sound familiar?

The assassinated "president" of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, raised public anger because HE REFUSED TO LEAVE OFFICE! Sound familiar?

Allegedly apparently his term of 5 years was over a year ago. He wouldn't go. He wouldn't step down. He RULED BY DECREE FOR OVER A YEAR. A bogus fake. HATED by the people.

So he was assassinated. The only way to get rid of his a** apparently. ASSASSINATED because he wielded power to which HE WAS NOT ENTITLED.

So he got what he deserved. The people spoke.

Hmmm. If that be the fate of all fakes who bogus their way through life holding onto power that is not theirs well you cast your bread upon the waters and it comes back soggy and inedible.

Posted - July 8, 2021
