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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A UN official sez Israel's settlements on the west bank are WAR CRIMES. He is immediately labled anti-semitic. Why is that?

A UN official sez Israel's settlements on the west bank are WAR CRIMES. He is immediately labled anti-semitic. Why is that?

Is everything Israel does PERFECT? Does Israel never do anything wrong at all ever?

Why is criticizing what it does automatically deemed ANTI SEMITIC? Anyone got an answer for that?

Did GOD make Israel PERFECT. Yes they are his CHOSEN ONES but are they PERFECT?

Why the fear of being criticized? HOW DARE ANYONE?

What weird queer peculiar reason is it that causes it automatically? Being called antisemitic for any reason at any time you dare say "israel is wrong"? I don't get it.

Posted - July 10, 2021
