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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What are the requirements in your country for the person who thinks he/she has "the right stuff"" to run it/head it/lead it?

What are the requirements in your country for the person who thinks he/she has "the right stuff"" to run it/head it/lead it?

In amurrica among the egregious short-sighted flaws in our Constitution?

35 and "native born". That's it. That's all she wrote. Be that and you too can be president!

You can see the result of the STUPIDITY of the Founding Fathers.

What we get is a failed human being with warts and ruts and dings and scratches who is nothing more than a used up old crackpot whose "sex appeal" draws millions to him inexplicably who are willing to KILL for him under the guise of patriotism. All nutjob crackpots to be sure. But lethal just the same.

The fault lies not in the nutjob crackpots who adore him or in him actually. They cannot help being what they are. They and He were born that way. They and He had nothing to do with it. A failure by any measure and yet GUANO got elected and the nutjob crackpot has convinced his adoring equally notjob crackpot worshippings that he got stiffed gypped screwed.

Posted - July 11, 2021
