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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Guano nutjob crackpot failed insurrectionists weren't defending the country. They were defending their DELUSION. They still are. GUANO?

The Guano nutjob crackpot failed insurrectionists weren't defending the country. They were defending their DELUSION. They still are. GUANO?

Guano said "THERE WAS LOVE IN THE AIR" as we see the viedeos of the GUANOHEAD nutjob crackpots BEATING UP CAPITOL POLICE..brandishing NAZI and CONFEDERATE FLAGS. That LOVE IN THE AIR caused INJURIES AND DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. Such a deal! GASLIGHT GASLIGHT GASLIGHT GASLIGHT GASLIGHT. GUANO has convinced millions of his adoring worshippers that his gaslight bullsh** is what really happened. They believe him. And that's where it's at.

GUANO  keeps trying to GASLIGHT US while he is permanetly being contradicted by millions of witnesses who saw what happened and won't buy his rotgut lies.

Delusion be he. Delusion be his GUANOHEADS. WE ARE NOT.

They all belong in loony bins for life. Short of that let's DEPORT THEM back to where they came from. Unless they are all NATIVE AMERICANS.

They don't like this country obvously. Ship them to a somewhere else...and ANYWHERE ELSE.

Posted - July 12, 2021
