Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Afghanistan deteriorates. Taliban Surges." Didn't we go to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban 20 years ago? What good did it do?

"Afghanistan deteriorates. Taliban Surges." Didn't we go to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban 20 years ago? What good did it do?

Posted - July 12, 2021


  • 44543
    We initially went there to find bin-laden and destroy el-quiada...We overstayed our welcome.
      July 12, 2021 9:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We found and killed bin-laden on Obama's watch. El Quieade? Now there's TALIBAN? The same or different? Thank you for your reply E! :)
      July 13, 2021 5:08 AM MDT

  • 44543
    Not the same except they are radical terrorists wanting nothing more than to make the population bow to them. Muhammad is spinning in his grave.
      July 13, 2021 12:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply E. What comes next then? I wonder.
      July 13, 2021 2:09 PM MDT