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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » GALL. CHUTZPAH. ARROGANCE. It takes all of that to attempt to pull off FRAUD BASED ON THE BIG LIIE doesn't it?

GALL. CHUTZPAH. ARROGANCE. It takes all of that to attempt to pull off FRAUD BASED ON THE BIG LIIE doesn't it?

Excluding the braindead everyone who is anyone always knew THE BIG LIE was untrue. There was no attempt to disguise it. It stuck out there big as can be like Jimmy Durante's nose. No hiding it.

Then doubling down on THE BIG LIE and spreading the net of the obedient lemmings who will/would do/say anything GUANO told them to say/do thus making all of them laughingstocks as well.

The country is at the looney tune nutjob crackpot phoney balonies who, with RARE exception, keep losing every battle. Sure. They win one here and there due to the crapped up SUPREME COURT and the six justices who voted against VOTING RIGHTS. GUESS WHY?

Other than that disgusting evidence CORRUPTION the GUANO and his heads are going down down down down down. Something will occur among the SUPREMES. I don't know if it will be GOD who gets it done or conscience that wins but something will shake them up surely and deeply so they stop GUANOING and start JUSTICING.

When? I don't know but I have to believe that. I do what I have to do. DON'T YOU?

Posted - July 13, 2021
