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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What does getz and tail lure actually DO? They travel about SPENDING TAXPAYER MONEY while they get SALARIES. FOR DOING WHAT?

What does getz and tail lure actually DO? They travel about SPENDING TAXPAYER MONEY while they get SALARIES. FOR DOING WHAT?

Promulgating SMUT. Lies. Inciting. Destructing. Insurrectioning by their words.

This is such a gig for them. No responsibility to accomplish anything. No job to do that needs doing. Up up up they go flying high in the sky on our dime spreading sh** wherever they go. Well except they got booted out of a gig in Orange County which was then replaced by the Riverside Convention Center who CANCELLED THEM 24 hours before that gig. So the state of California does not want their kind their ilk here. Sure there are teeny tiny red hotspots up and down the state. NOT ONE OF THEM offered to give the getz/tail lure dynamic duo a place to spout their hate and their lies. NOT ONE!

Pretty dam* amazing. Good for us!

Posted - July 18, 2021
