Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Until the antivaxxers all die out from the diseases they refuse to protect themselves from getting we will NEVER overcome. D'ya care?

Until the antivaxxers all die out from the diseases they refuse to protect themselves from getting we will NEVER overcome. D'ya care?

The future will be the same as it is now. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths. Spikes and surges and deaths.

Eventually they will all die and then maybe the rest of us can live in peace. How long with it take?

Can't be too soon for me.

Posted - July 21, 2021


  • 3147
    The problem is an antivaxxer's body is a breeding ground for new variants. 
      July 21, 2021 4:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    OMG m'dear. I had not thought of it in THOSE terms. A petri dish as it were. OMG. OY. And so it goes. Right? And so it goes! Well thank you for replying to my question and giving me more to think about. It's not your fault what you gave me. You are just reporting it. You're not creating it! SIGH! Happy Wednesday to thine and thee BB! :)
      July 21, 2021 5:11 AM MDT

  • 10813
    They care more about themselves than for others.  
      July 21, 2021 12:37 PM MDT