Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wish the REACTIONARIES among us could go back to the days when women couldn't vote and they owned people. Know why?

I wish the REACTIONARIES among us could go back to the days when women couldn't vote and they owned people. Know why?

Cocomitant with getting back what they want they'd be giving up all the ADVANCES that come with being in today.

That's right. They can't have it both ways. So many of them would be probably be dead anyway from diseases for which they had no cures then. Or they'd be suffering many miseries which occupy them day and night.

But you see they are so STUPID DUMB they don't realize that. They think they can have all of the benefits of today with none of the advances of which they disapprove.

STUPID DUMB they are. Yesterday today and tomorrow. Forever STUPID DUMB. No cure for that even today. None. STUPID DUMB. The incurable disease.

Posted - July 25, 2021
