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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Before GUANO stole the Republican Party what did CONSERVATIVE VALUES used to be? Didn't GUANO destroy every single one of them?

Before GUANO stole the Republican Party what did CONSERVATIVE VALUES used to be? Didn't GUANO destroy every single one of them?

That's why GUANO and the GUANOHEADS have no values left. GUANO made sure of it and the former GOP rolled over begged played dead obeyed complied. Died?

Posted - July 25, 2021


  • 35104
    Lower taxes
    Less regulations
    Secure border (or claiming it)
    Strong military
    Pro life
    Pro 2nd amendment
    Pro drilling for our own oil

    Pro Globalism
    Afraid to take on China (fear of a trade war)
    Pro Free trade deals (like NAFTA)
    Pro cheap labor

    We can all see which things changed....

      July 25, 2021 2:51 PM MDT