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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » COVID 19 keeps mutating and variationing...CHANGING. That is the WHY of the CDC changing its guidelines. The SAPS couldn't figure that out?

COVID 19 keeps mutating and variationing...CHANGING. That is the WHY of the CDC changing its guidelines. The SAPS couldn't figure that out?

That is the why they are the stupid dumbs.

And the CDC isn't.

Sheesh. I doesn't take GENIUS to keep up with what's going on. It does take a reverence for life and keep up with the TRUTH. I know. That is SHOCKing to many to whom truth is not only irrelevant. It is the ENEMY.

So that is they people will continue to die. Could have been prevented. Wasn't. Big deal.

Posted - July 30, 2021


  • 35079
    Again.....mutations of viruses generally get more communicable but not as deadly.  They do this to survive.  

    Delta is NOT more deadly.  It is more communicable.

    I do not know if stats are mirroring the UK data or not.  But if they do vaxxed are in more danger from Delta (India) than unvaxxed. 

    Our gov likely will not give the stats here if they are mirroring UK stats. 
      July 30, 2021 7:12 AM MDT