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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does "THE GOOD BOOK" support promote promulgate the JOYS OF CRUELTY AND HATE?

Does "THE GOOD BOOK" support promote promulgate the JOYS OF CRUELTY AND HATE?

Hundreds of million ARE CRUEL and DO HATE and quote "THE GOOD BOOK" all the time

Methinks they are in a quandary intellectually. They see no problem with mouthing one thing and doing its opposite. Logic-tight compartments. Schizophrenics? Bifurcated brains? Insane?

Posted - August 5, 2021


  • 10799
    People quote from "the good book" more than they might think (unwittingly?).  Even atheists.  Over the years much of "the good book" has gotten embedded into society (our sayings and idioms).  Some do know what it says, but instead of believing it they try to "inflict" it on others in an effort to inflate their own ego).
    Sadly, while many may know parts of "the good book", most refuse to apply it to themselves.  They may think they do, but their actions show otherwise.
      August 5, 2021 10:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I hear ya loud and clear m'dear. Thank you for your spot-on reply shuhak. How sad is that though? SIGH. :(
      August 5, 2021 10:52 AM MDT