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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We are promised that more dangerous than the Delta variant is heading our way. Any day now it will show up. Are we all blase? Excited?

We are promised that more dangerous than the Delta variant is heading our way. Any day now it will show up. Are we all blase? Excited?

The dialogue never changes. The stats get worse. The arguments are always the same. Nothing improves.

Heard a rabid "man of GOD" scream that no one could wear masks in HIS CHURCH and insisted that NO ONE GET VACCINATED.

An evangelical no doubt. A man of 'gawd". A madman riding the wave of expedience to get attention.

They are all alike. Use gawd as a weapon a pawn a shill. Then conveniently discard their version of gawd. Till it is needed again.

Millions buy into it and that's their right. Swine ingest swill. It is their nature.

Posted - August 6, 2021
