Elect a BOARD OF DIRECTORS! EVENLY POWERED. They would run the country. Take the power out of the hands of potential traitors crooks giddy money-hungry hoors.
I know switching over wouldn't be a picnic but so what? We've had trials and tribulations before.
The single president presidency was DISASTROUS DUE TO some monstrous men.
How many on the BOARD? What education experience TRACK RECORD would be required? What kind of CHARACTER REPUTATION would be MANDATORY? We shall have to work that out. WE THE PEOPLE. Not the selected elected.
As is true on a Jury there would have to be 100% AGREEMENT before mandating a dam* thing. The BOARD would consist of a variety of political persuasions. Conservative Liberal Libertarian Green Party etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Just a thought. What think thee about that? What thoughts/ideas do YOU have?.