Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » 500,000 ACRES BURNED in the Dixie fire in Northern California so far. Second largest fire in our history. Hope your state is OK. Izzit?

500,000 ACRES BURNED in the Dixie fire in Northern California so far. Second largest fire in our history. Hope your state is OK. Izzit?

Posted - August 9, 2021


  • 10799

    Wildfires release CO2 into the atmosphere.  CO2 is the leading cause of climate change.
    Wildfires release toxic compounds into the air (such as carbon monoxide, and VOCs like benzene).
    When wildfires burn homes and such, they release even more toxic compounds into the air (from plastics, gasoline/oil, batteries, cars, treated lumber, insecticides, bleach/cleaners, electronics, and more).
    Wildfires release many tiny particles into the air (smoke) that can lead to chronic heart and lung disease.  

    Trees are nature's air scrubbers (they help make oxygen, help clean pollutants out of the air).
    Trees and plants help cool the atmosphere (respiration, blocking sunlight from reaching and warming the ground and rock).
    Wildfires destroy trees.
    Wildfires not only pollute the air, but they destroy that which could have helped clean the air AND they help heat up the planet.

    And the worst part is that the "real" fire season hasn't even started yet.  The Autumn winds (santa anna in SoCal and northeast winds in NorCal) are notorious for spreading wildfire.  Since they don't expect to have many of these fires contained until at least October or November, what will they do when the winds come?
    Since we refused to take care of our forests (and planet?), nature is doing it for us.   And she's not letting anything get in her way!

      August 9, 2021 3:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Our survival as a species should be our main concern it seems to me. Yet the focus is on nutjob crackpots  gaining increasing control/power, personal freedom and making money. Without life nothing exists for us. But we have to value it and take care of it and we don't. Puzzling. Thank you for your thoughtful informative and truthful though grim reply Shuhak. Glossing it over won't change a thing. Would that it could.:)
      August 10, 2021 2:26 AM MDT