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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Government of the people, for the people, by the people. Face it we the people are just figureheads. Rubber stamps. Were we ever respected?

Government of the people, for the people, by the people. Face it we the people are just figureheads. Rubber stamps. Were we ever respected?

The disrespect is so deep and wide our votes will be irrelevant. If "THEY" don't like the results they will simply overturn them nullify them throw them out and declare the victor to be whomever they decide upon.

Never was that more apparent than now. Actual laws are in place in some states replacing election officials with "their people" whose power will supersede anyone. Eventually all states will have that precise "machine" in place. No surprising results.

Elections will take place with certain restrictions.
Votes will be counted.
Results will be divulged when they are what the powers that be desire. However those results are effected/achieve/arrived at will a secret process behind closed doors in the dark of the night and we the people will never be privy to it. There will be no recounts or investigations or validations. No need for them when the powers that be will always be in the loop. They will be the loop.

They will never again be angered or humiliated by the results of elections. They will be happy and proud that every election turned out exactly they way they hoped it would. No more anxiety. No more shame. No more disappointment.

Won't it be loverly?

Posted - August 10, 2021
