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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once Guano represidents in 2024 presidential elections will be abandoned. It will no longer be a democratic republic. What will it be?.

Once Guano represidents in 2024 presidential elections will be abandoned. It will no longer be a democratic republic. What will it be?.

A KINGDOM where power passes on from generation to generation. No need to vote.

A lot less work. No need to read up on track records Once the KING is in power he will choose everyone going forward at every level. City, State will be in HIS hands entirely. The masses will have nothing to do with it. There will be charges of course to the people which will go directly into the KING's coffers. Rather like TITHES in churches. You pledge a certain percent of your income to the church and give it every year. Well the people will give a certain percent of their wages to the KING. He will let them know what he decides it should be. Every year sent to his account. Failure to comply will result in being imprisoned. It will not be a choice but a duty..a patriotic duty.

Things will settle down.

Oh. Only the KING can decide who may own property. After all keeping the neighborhoods suitably clear of "the wrong kind of people" is an essential. The KING knows who "the right kind" of people are. Millionaires billionaires and possibly trillionaires. He can't have "the wrong kind" there to pollute the neighborhood of the wealthy. Noblesse oblige and all you know. One must keep up one's standard.

Yes things will be different at first. It will take a bit of an adjustment. But adjust you must. There is no OR ELSE. Adjust you must and after a time it will be standard routine and no one will think twice about it.

Posted - August 10, 2021
