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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you have a list of "never dids" you wish you had but it's too late? Why? Too old, too weak, too ill, too scared?

Do you have a list of "never dids" you wish you had but it's too late? Why? Too old, too weak, too ill, too scared?

Posted - August 13, 2021


  • 10799
    I have a few.  However I am now too old (physically unable) too them.  Sala vive. 
      August 13, 2021 11:06 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Sala vie C'est la vie
      August 13, 2021 11:32 PM MDT

  • 10799
      August 14, 2021 12:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Is Sala vive like c'est la vie? And also I might add OMG. YOU'RE TOO OLD? At your age? I guess that puts us out to pasture. Of course you very adroitly avoided mentioning what they are m'dear so I have no idea what they are. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thee and thine. I have one main one. Never visiting THE ACROPOLIS in ATHENS in person. :)
      August 14, 2021 1:52 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Whoops!  Yes it is.  I spelled it phonetically and Google spell check didn't argue about it (it usually tells me when I'm wrong).  

    "Too old" as in physically unable.  My job did a number on my body.  Certain joints don't work as well as they once did.
      August 14, 2021 12:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    This is what I do not like a whole lot. My son is about your age so whatever it is you are experiencing he could be will be might be experiencing too. But he is my BABY! I have zero problem getting old. BUT MY BABY? This is a hard thing to accept. Of course the alternative would be horrific. I think I'll ask if others have that same problem?
      August 15, 2021 4:43 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Unless he spent 30 years throwing freight, siting through hours and hours of boring management meetings, doing endless days of paperwork, and had a 24/dy. work schedule that changed constantly (sleep is a luxury in retail), he's probably not experiencing exactly what I am … yet.
      August 15, 2021 4:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    No my friend. He has been VERY LUCKY in life even if I do say so myself. He is one of those folks to whom EVERYTHING comes so easily. He has a genius I.Q. but you do too. What other forces enveloped you were different than his. It's funny. The first conversation of any length or content we had was when he was three years old! It shocked me in a very happy way that this little boy was besting me intellectually. But early on I divorced his dad because had we stayed together my son would have been a different person. I always did my best to provide what I could and he just seemed to thrive. I followed his lead. I did not DEMAND. In fact when he was 12 he was as tall as I was and fairly muscular. We had THE TALK. I told him that he could always outmuscle me so use of force would not be something we should ever use...either of us. Intellectual or physical or emotional was off the table. I told him he'd just have to respect me enough to do as I asked because he could just deck me and that would be that. He chose his path and I helped as much as I could. I had gotten rid of the negative presence in his life by divorcing his dad and I'm sure that helped but whatever he has achieved was his alone..not mine. I don't know what kind of dad or mom you had but you've turned out to be quite an impressive person. At least to me. Could I have done better? Sure. Everyone could have done better. And so it goes. The luck of the draw? FATE? I really don't know the answer to that. Sorry for the lengthy reply but well I do run off a lot. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! What would you have changed had you been able to do so?
      August 16, 2021 3:00 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Had been able to do so, I would have gotten out of retail quickly.
      August 16, 2021 1:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Dealing directly with the public would not suit me. I like a back office away from everyone and to be left alone to do my work. If I need help I ask. Otherwise BUG OFF! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 17, 2021 4:45 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I don't wish for things I'll never have.  
      August 14, 2021 12:24 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You don't still dream then?  I think that is a very sad thing. I wish for world peace. I wish for a world without hate. I wish for all people to be of good will. I wish for no more wars. I will die wishing for things I will never have or experience. Without hope/dreams what is life worth? A dreary dingy day-after-day-after sameness? Not my cuppa tea and I'm really sad it's yours BB. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine. This post was edited by RosieG at August 15, 2021 4:47 AM MDT
      August 15, 2021 4:46 AM MDT