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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's funny weird bizarre odd queer that what's funny is radically different among homo saps. To some "funny" is insulting cruel mean. WHY?

It's funny weird bizarre odd queer that what's funny is radically different among homo saps. To some "funny" is insulting cruel mean. WHY?

Because they are only 'civil' to their own ilk and they are hostile rude crude to everyone not them...not their own ilk.

In that they are rigidly narrowly restricted limited. Diffrunt strokes.

The GUANO guy made fun of a reporter with some tics. JOYFULLY did he engage in such sh** and he got a big kick out of it as did his braindead adoring worshippers. It's great fun to make fun of people's disabilities for them. They are the putting a kitten in microwave on high to see what happens ilk. They are the pulling wings off butterflies ilk. EVIL. They also delight in LIES LYING LIARS. Queer weird peculiar they are but they adore one another so at least they have that. That's why they cling together stick together bond and bind and entwine together. No one else can stand them.

Posted - August 14, 2021
