Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» WHAT IF homo sapiens never existed? WHAT IF the earth never had to deal with the existence of selfish thoughtLESS saps?
Without people - There'd be no cats, dogs, sheep cows (and such)) at least as we know them. Many of the crops we eat (such as corm) would not exist. Many species of animals and insects would only exist in certain locations (not globally). Lage animals would dominate. Thick ""hedges" of trees would line many coasts. The Sahara would be smaller than it is now. Lush forest would cover much of the planet The atmosphere would be more humid (more trees = more humidity).
There's a video on Youtube which shows what would happen if humans were to suddenly disappear. While much of what we've done would be gone in 500 - 1000 years, it'd take many thousands of years to completely erase the evidence of our existence.
Thank you for an informative and kinda scary but kinda not reply. We know it is the homo saps who have crapped up things. What other animals have had such a terrible effect on their surroundings? Happy Sunday to thee and thine Shuhak. I shall ask.
So I am reading into your reply that homo saps have crapped up what was and could have stayed a beautiful world. Do I infer correctly? Why are homo saps inherently destructive Durdle? Maybe it isn't inherent but if not then it is taught. Why destroy when you could build? Why set fires to harm when you can set them to warm and sustain life? Why why why why why? Endless questions and few if ever any answers. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 16, 2021 2:33 AM MDT
Most people are constructive rather than destructive, but until very recently few people recognised the collective harm we were doing.
For thousands of years, basically until the Bronze Age, what relatively few people there were on Earth did little damage although the Wooly Mammoth is thought to have been hunted into extinction perhaps 7000 years ago.
Then with the advent of metal-working and agriculture, large-scale deforesting started in some countries.
In the 19C and well into the 20C, it became common to talk of "taming" Nature, usually with great civil-engineering schemes.
It's only really in the last 50 years perhaps, that we've realised generally that Nature can't and won't be tamed.
"Taming" is a euphemism for destroying. Stripping forests to build what? Strip malls, parking lots, houses, apartment buildings, commercial buildings, etcetera and so forth. Making money is the holy grail of life and whatever it takes is done without any guilt. So do they put their consciences in some sort of holding chamber to be pulled out at a "later" date or once ignored is it forever silenced? Thank you for your reply Durdle. I shall ask.