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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Caring/uncaring. Thoughtful/thoughtless. Selfless/selfish. Honorable/dishonorable. Good/evil. Patriot/traitor. POLITICIANS?

Caring/uncaring. Thoughtful/thoughtless. Selfless/selfish. Honorable/dishonorable. Good/evil. Patriot/traitor. POLITICIANS?

Do politicians start off with good intentions but become corrupted by those who came before them


were they always only the least of humankind and that is why they are drawn to jobs that control and abuse and denigate the rest of us? We vote for folks we think will service us and inevitably with few exceptions they always service themselves AT OUR EXPENSE. How does that make any sense? Sheep anxious willing desperate to be SHORN? Sheesh.

Posted - August 16, 2021
