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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The world is controlled by a cabal of OBSCENELY WEALTHY WHITE MEN dating back to "The knights Templar" or others. DIDJA KNOW?

The world is controlled by a cabal of OBSCENELY WEALTHY WHITE MEN dating back to "The knights Templar" or others. DIDJA KNOW?

It is a secret society that runs everything including pawns like GUANO and other despot dictators. THEY ARE OWNED AND DIRECTED by the unseen force pullling all their strings. POMPOUS A**ES all of them thinking they are in charge.

What is the goal of these string pullers? See the track/direction in which the world is going? That has been their heart's desire from the beginning. EVILIZE the world and lobotomize/pulverize/cauterize/neuter and make impotent everyone who does their bidding. EVIL will out as you can see as it plunders and blunders and puts asunder all that is good noble true. Across the globe PURPOSEFULLY.

Power to GUANO? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He is just a dupe a pawn a useful idiot.

Posted - August 16, 2021
