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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I expect all military who fight in wars know how to use guns. Do all inductees know how to shoot or do they train them to shoot to kill?

I expect all military who fight in wars know how to use guns. Do all inductees know how to shoot or do they train them to shoot to kill?

I expect cowardly draft dodgers may not know how to use a gun. Unless they are gun folks draft dogers dodge everything in life that requires them to do anything substantial or significant. They never volunteer. They never admit. They never step forward. They just exist.

Posted - August 16, 2021


  • 35077
    Boot camp.  Of course we train them. 
      August 16, 2021 6:41 AM MDT

  • 44765
      August 16, 2021 6:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thanks for the reply m2c. So in boot camp they shape you up before they send you out to do war? Happy Monday to thee and thin! :)
      August 16, 2021 7:01 AM MDT

  • 35077
      August 16, 2021 7:58 AM MDT

  • 44765
    In the Navy we were not trained in weaponry in boot camp. Many of us learned and qualified when we got to our next command, depending on our job. My post at a security point required me to be proficient with .45 caliber pistol and a 12 guage shotgun. We were also required to qualify each year with shooting, disassembling and reassembling a M-14 rifle. Many sailors never carried or used a weapon.
      August 16, 2021 7:05 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Most armies the world over train soldiers pretty much the same basics, and those include how to use and look after guns properly, and shoot accurately. In action it's very often you kill your enemy before he kills you or your mess-mate.

    Nasty, but I have a heard a general admit I think in a radio interview that war is cold-blooded mass-murder.

    Notably the armed services try to avoid the personal element. The infantry see other. Blow up a tank though, and you've wrecked an armoured tractor carrying a big gun, not killed the 3 or 4 men in it. Sink a ship or submarine and you've removed something that can sink yours, not drowned several hundred men - navies tend at least try to rescue the survivors if they can safely do so. (Though no-one will survive from a submarine torpedoed in the ocean.)
      August 16, 2021 5:21 PM MDT