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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If California had a GUANOHEAD guv we'd all be dead. NO LOCKDOWN NO MASK MANDATES NO NUTTIN'! Guess what?

If California had a GUANOHEAD guv we'd all be dead. NO LOCKDOWN NO MASK MANDATES NO NUTTIN'! Guess what?

The measles crew (you know..those little tiny red dots in the state that are GUANOHEADS?) wanna kick Gavin out and replace with a GUANOHEAD.

Now this makes sense to them because all is GUANO..the air they breathe the poop they send out..the food they eat...the booze they drink..the cigarettes they smoke..the dope they inject in their veins. ALL IS GUANO.

Well mebbe it will be. If so so long goodbye farewell it's been good ta know ya but I gotta me movin along!

Posted - August 18, 2021


  • 35077
    We had no statewide mask or lockdowns.  We are still alive. 
      August 18, 2021 6:43 AM MDT