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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Remember way back in the day when MEN WERE MEN and not the scairdy cat spineless whinya** mice the GUANO has turned them into?

Remember way back in the day when MEN WERE MEN and not the scairdy cat spineless whinya** mice the GUANO has turned them into?

Or was that before your time?

The GUANOHEADS all adore him and never disobey him and roll over for  him IMMEDIATELY when ordered to do so which is 24/7  24/7.

The men who don't respond to the dog whistles are the only men left.

76 MILLION GUANOHEADS voted for GUANO in 2020. I don't know how many of them profess to be men but clearly they aren't. MEN THINK FOR THEMSELVES. THEY DO NOT ROLL OVER WHINE BEG WHIMPER PLAY DEAD AND GIVE SCRIPTED RESPONSES VERBATIM ONE AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER anguished to PLEASE the big daddy always watching always listening always judging always plotting. They always play only to the big cheese.
Ted Crud
Texas guv rabbit now joyfully infected with COVID

Fla guv snata clod who if he doesn't get infected it's because HE GOT THE VACCINE. TWO-FACED LIAR DOUBLE CLOD

Matt gots the hots for little girls
Rank paul
lindsay grahamcracker

Rudy the G whose days as a "lawyer" are over and done as are his days in the sun. No loss. He was never anything anyway. As mayor he PARADED his mistress in front of his then-wife...Donna Hanover. He was a pig then he is a pig now.

Pillow boy the nutjob crackpot who QANONS his days away and drags GUANO around by the nose ring he put there

Ticker Carlson, Yawn Hannity, Laura lumbago, judge joanie from Happy Days and all the flotsam and jetsam and hoi polloi that money can buy are bought..signed sealed betcha. TIcker sez something and the next day GUANO repeats it spreads it embraces it. Good little boy.

All the subservient underling attack dog mental midgets like jimmie jordan devin  nunes hotsenpheffer and schultz. The GUANO takes pride in his MOTLEY CREW.

For you purists I know there is band called motley crew. I just have no clue who they are what they sound like or any of their names. FYI

Posted - August 18, 2021
