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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some see complexity where it ALLEGEDLY does not exist. Does anyone ever see simplicity where it does not exist too?

Some see complexity where it ALLEGEDLY does not exist. Does anyone ever see simplicity where it does not exist too?

Posted - August 18, 2021


  • 3719
    Oh, all too often, usually in controversial political or social matters where they want very simple, un-analytical answers or actions.
      August 18, 2021 4:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Do you think it is due to the inability of many to comprehend understand grasp what is ACTUALLY going on Durdle? I think its dullness of the mind that is incapable of seeing what is there...implied inferred beneath the surface. They just don't go any deeper than the surface because they don't know anything more than that exists. So they mock and ridicule what is beyond their grasp and deny it out of hand. I'm guessing of course. I don't really KNOW! Thank you for your reply. Subtle doesn't exist for them. Again...I'm guessing! :)
      August 19, 2021 1:55 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Sorry - I should have been clearer. I mis-read your question (probably late at night when I should have been in bed!)

    The political and social matters - the complex is seen too simply hence the bitter divisions.

    In other aspects (and often by politicians) what should be simple becomes tangled by people unable to see the simple.  Why, I don't know, but I have been caught out too.
      August 22, 2021 4:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Really? You have been caught too? May I ask how or could you give me an example? Thank you for the clarification. My intention is to ask crystal clear questions but I do rely on folks to "get" my meaning even when it's murky. I think that's a bridge too far and I should be more precise and I shall try to be that. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 23, 2021 1:58 AM MDT