Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No one gets taller in old age. We shrink physically. It's inevitable. Do we also shrink intellectually emotionally spiritually?

No one gets taller in old age. We shrink physically. It's inevitable. Do we also shrink intellectually emotionally spiritually?

Where does wisdom grow?

Posted - August 22, 2021


  • 10799
    I doubt you mean things like dementia and alzheimer's (which affect the elderly).

    Wisdom isn't something we "magically" acquire at a certain age.   Wisdom develops AS we age (a lifelong process).  

    Unfortunately, a we age we tend to become set in outer ways.  Many people become closed minded when they get older.  Since they've "been here, done that", their way is the only/best way (and its quite possible that they're right).  A closed mind is what makes a person shrink intellectually, emotionally or spiritually when they get older.  Despite what we think, everyone tends to close their minds (on certain things) as they get older. 
      August 22, 2021 1:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well maybe I'm an anomaly Shuhak. I think I've opened up a lot and continue to do so as I've aged. Maybe it's "coming out of my shell". I'm aware of a lot more and curious about a lot more but of course I do have a solid line in some areas beyond which I will never go.

    I know what evil is and GUANO is evil and all the GUANOHEADS are evil. I DESPISE liars. They are all LIARS. There is no wiggle room there whatsoever. Also attacking our Democracy by White supremacist nutjob crackpots being supported by elected pols disgusts me. I wish a pox on all their houses and being doomed to live together throughout infinity in HE** with one another. That is a closed door. Cruel evil vile maggots all of them. Other than that I'm a delightful person upbeat and light. That's a joke m'dear. But I am DEADLY SERIOUS about my utter contempt and disgust and revulsion and disdain for all of "them". Thank you for your reply! :) How do you follow up to that?
      August 23, 2021 2:08 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Having a closed mind (on certain things) isn't always a bad thing.  It might even be a sign of wisdom.  However, having a completely closed mind is bad (refuse to learn).  You too have a closed minds on certain things.   You know the facts, and no matter how many times others try to dispute those facts, they can't. 
    ()this may be a bad example)  I know the the moon is in the sky.   Over the years I have listened to the arguments (both pro and con), examined all the evidence, and have determined that it is a true fact.  Therefore my mind is now closed to any argument trying to dispute that.  I  know that no matter how many times they try to dispute it, they will always fail.  So why waste my time with nonsense? 
      August 23, 2021 12:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    A door that is closed and a door that is LOCKED with the key thrown away is not the same thing Shuhak. I may be convinced of certain things but I am open to ALL possibilities including that I do not exist. Je pense donc je suis and Cogito ergo sum notwithstanding. I hope to know after I "die" but if death ends everything I will never know. If death opens up everything then I'll be in a better position to agree or disagree with thee. I would never lock a door and throw away a key. NEVER. You NEVER KNOW what lies ahead and why would you cut yourself off from knowledge wisdom understanding? Not me. Not my cuppa tea. All things are possible. Thank you for your reply m'dear. No hard feelings right?
      August 24, 2021 5:26 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Of course no hard feelings.

    I probably didn't use a good analogy.

    This is where you and I differ - I trust in Jesus, therefore I am.
    Because of my faith, I do know what will happen after death.  

    No, one should never cut themselves off from knowledge wisdom understanding.  That's the problem with a closed mind.  It is unable to learn and grow.
      August 24, 2021 12:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Have I shared with you what I visualize and hope with all my heart is what will happen? That we are all together and continue engaging and continue having our own opinions BUT there is no hate or lies or deception or sabotage or undermining or insulting or attacking. Simply put we stay as we are now only "new and improved" forever after. What form we will take...whether simply spirit or something else is irrelevant to me. I just want to be with those whom I loved who passed on and add to that what I enjoy of my life  RIGHT NOW. Probably it's very selfish of me to want things as they are exempt from all things negative. But there it is. I mean I could introduce Jim to my dad who died long before Jim and I met. I could see friends who either passed on or our lives took them in different directions. It would be a "life" of pure joy but enough differences so we could keep our minds sharp and be able to analyze and discern and examine and discuss and decide. That's way too much to have to give up I think. I mean why would GOD give us that in the first place? Preparing us how to get along though we disagree would be a great way to enter eternity without distress or stress. How do you see it or is that too personal a question? If so just ignore it! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :) You say you know what will happen after death. Are you able to share it? This post was edited by RosieG at August 25, 2021 3:01 AM MDT
      August 24, 2021 12:43 PM MDT

  • 10799

    Yes, together, engaging peacefully and lovingly, sharing our own opinions.  Not quite “as we are now”, though.  We will still be ourselves, but in a body that will never die, never get sick, never grow old.  We will have enough differences to keep our minds sharp and be able to analyze and discern and examine and discuss and decide (along with so much more).  It will be a life of pure joy.   The only difference is that there’ll be no hate, no lies, no stupidity, no greed or selfish ambition, no immorality, no perversion.  This is what the bible says. 

    But, what about people like hitler or trump or saddam hussein?  Do they simply get to "get improved", or do they go "elsewhere"?  (I already know your answer to that one.)  So, what's the standard for determining who gets in and who doesn't?  How good we think we are?  If we've done a certain number of good deeds?  No, the standard is holy perfection - and God said that none of us meets that standard (all have sinned).  Therefore we’re ALL condemned to “go to hell” after we die.  To be eternally separated from God, from every good thing, and from each other.  No love, no hope, no light, no end.  Yet because He loves us so much, He sent Jesus, His Son, to take our punishment for us.  Through Jesus we can be declared "not guilty" before God (all our sins forgiven).  It’s only through Jesus that we're able to reach God’s perfect standard.  But all who refuse Jesus here will be condemned.
    As Jesus was resurrected, we too will be resurrected (from the dead) – those who have “put on” Christ in this life, to eternal joy; all the rest to eternal damnation with satan and his followers.  We may not like this (sounds too harsh), but we’re not the ones who set the standards.  God has done EVERYTHING He possibly can to get us to be with Him for eternity.  All we have to do is trust in Jesus (faith).  If we refuse to turn to Jesus, we will die in our sins.  We’ll never see our friends or loved ones, only eternal suffering.

    God IS preparing us for eternity with Him.  Problem is many don’t care.  They’d rather live it up here and now, putting themselves ahead of God and hope everything will “turn out ok”; that maybe "somehow" they’ll make it to heaven, or that death will be the end of everything, or maybe they can come back and get a “second chance”.   In Jesus, we can KNOW our future (100% guaranteed).  Outside of Jesus there is no hope.

      August 24, 2021 3:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Seems to me we basically agree on what will be with the usual contingencies and provisos. That's swell with me! Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful reply Shuhak! :)
      August 25, 2021 3:03 AM MDT

  • 13277
    What is your experience? Please share.
      August 23, 2021 12:30 PM MDT