Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Jack Tidmore a healthy unvaxed dad DIES OF COVID leaving his kid fatherless. Well he** he didn't care so WHY should we?

Jack Tidmore a healthy unvaxed dad DIES OF COVID leaving his kid fatherless. Well he** he didn't care so WHY should we?

Posted - August 22, 2021


  • 10799
    Few people realize that their actions affect others.  They foolishly believe that what they do only affects them.  The fact is that EVERYTHING we do will have an effect on someone else (at the least).  It may not be directly, or have a major impact, but it WILL affect others.  

    Because of a decision he made, this man's child lost his father.   That child will go through the rest of his life with no father.  Perhaps this may make him bitter, or resentful of another who has a father.  Maybe it will deny him a teaching that only a father can impart.  and so forth.  And the decisions/actions he makes because of this, will have an effect on his kids, or another person(s) he encounters.  

    We SHOULD care about the child.  From his viewpoint he lost his father (and some of us know how that feels).  It's not his fault his father made a bad decision.  Why should we punish him for the action of his father?
      August 22, 2021 12:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So you are saying a coldhearted clueless stupid dumb father whose job it is to protect and keep safe his child who refuses to do it is now on our plate? How many millions of them are there out there? You know such kids will grow up to the mini thems. Replicas. Copycats. More white racist supremacists who want to strip us of our democracy and our rights. They are all beyond hope. They are all going to follow in the footsteps of the stupid dumb parents and become stupid dumb adults who will stupid dumb their way through life EXACTLY as their parents did. And their stupid dumb kids will grow to be adults who have stupid dumb kids. I believe that Shuhak. You don't? Different strokes. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 23, 2021 11:21 AM MDT
      August 23, 2021 2:13 AM MDT

  • 10799
    Was it the child's fault his dad was a brainless moron?  Should we spurn and reject him simply because of his father's stupidity?  Sure, the kid might grow up to be another white racist, but then again maybe he can be "turned" while hes young (show him how wrong his dad was).  Would it be easier to try and influence him for good now while he's still young, or just ignore him and hope that he won't go out and shoot up a school, or try to overthrow the government, or be full of hate?  Children Are impressionable (for good or bad), adults close their minds.  I'm just saying.
      August 23, 2021 11:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I could hit below the belt and ask "ARE YOU A PARENT"? No disrespect intended ever BUT reading books by those who are childless about "how to raise a child" is something I find appalling. Reading about childbirth and giving birth are not remotely the same. The person who has been there and experienced it knows more than the outsider looking in and observing. Now whether that relates to what you said I don't know for sure. Do you love children Shuhak? If you came into a lot of money where would it go? To help whom or what? You know I worked for 10 years for a couple who owned McDonald's restaurants. You have heard of the Ronald McDonald houses I am sure. Well this couple was INSTRUMENTAL in getting the one in Loma Linda, California built. It took years and lots of our staff time (about 1/3 of the time we worked on charitable things for the HOUSE). We did lots of fundraisers. It was all about children. The owners were childless but they LOVED children and were very proud of the reputation McDonald's owners enjoy vis a vis many Ronald McDonald Houses being built all over the country. If you've ever volunteered for a fundraiser benefitting children you will see how heartwarming and fulfilling it is. I think I have creds in this area. You may too. We have never discussed this  issue that I can recall. Thank you for your reply. Did I answer your questions? Children dying with cancer would take front and center for me. Not the progeny of GUANOHEADS. See? This post was edited by RosieG at August 24, 2021 11:40 AM MDT
      August 24, 2021 5:33 AM MDT

  • 10799
    No, no parent.  I guess that makes me another "unmarried marriage counselor" (if you know what I mean).  
      August 24, 2021 11:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Yes well you are legion m'dear. Nothing weird or odd or illegal or singular or unjust about it. You do take things quite well and so that tells me you are absolutely in equilibrium. I'm not but I sure admire those who are. Know what? I shall ask! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      August 24, 2021 11:54 AM MDT