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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » TURDUCKEN. Tedious tawdry tacky terrorist turmoil. 72 million voted for it 2016, 76 millon in 2020. VAT ISS DISS?

TURDUCKEN. Tedious tawdry tacky terrorist turmoil. 72 million voted for it 2016, 76 millon in 2020. VAT ISS DISS?

Turducken is a holiday feast consisting of a CHICKEN inside a DUCK inside a TURKEY.

It is also a brand of politics.

Definition 5.   A cowardly, fearful person      5-time fake bonespur draft dodger qualifies as chicken

A duck waddles because it is so very fat and quacks quacks quacks (complains) 24/7   I WUZ ROBBED qualifies as a duck Also you duck to avoid being found out, examined, investigated for fear of your UGLY being revealed

Definition 4a. A person or thing of little appeal; dud; loser
Definition 4b. A naive, stupid or inept person

TURDUCKEN politics is alive and well and beaming and teeming and teaming with TURDUCKEN acolytes who are all alike.

Happyness(sic) reigns in TURDUCKENLAND.

Posted - August 24, 2021
