Turducken is a holiday feast consisting of a CHICKEN inside a DUCK inside a TURKEY.
It is also a brand of politics.
Definition 5. A cowardly, fearful person 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger qualifies as chicken
A duck waddles because it is so very fat and quacks quacks quacks (complains) 24/7 I WUZ ROBBED qualifies as a duck Also you duck to avoid being found out, examined, investigated for fear of your UGLY being revealed
Definition 4a. A person or thing of little appeal; dud; loser
Definition 4b. A naive, stupid or inept person
TURDUCKEN politics is alive and well and beaming and teeming and teaming with TURDUCKEN acolytes who are all alike.
Happyness(sic) reigns in TURDUCKENLAND.