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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OMG. Those who demand being CODDLED PAMPERED COWED DOWN TO PAID ATTENTION TO to do "the right thing" disgust me. You?

OMG. Those who demand being CODDLED PAMPERED COWED DOWN TO PAID ATTENTION TO to do "the right thing" disgust me. You?

You don't pay attention
You don't pat their a**es regularly
You don't tell them 24/7 how awesome necessary they are and important and godly and saintly and smart

Well fuggedddabout it. They don't DO THE RIGHT THING because it's the right thing but because they get pampered and coddled and hugged and kissed and patted on the head with the good boy good girl atta boy atta girl. IT MAKES ME SICK all this phonya** coddling. It is now a MANDATORY NECESSITY OR ELSE?.

You don't coddle me and fuss over me then just fuggeddaboutit.


Unfrigginbelievable what this country has been reduced to by the needy seedy greedy coddle-deprived.

Posted - August 26, 2021
