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Which video would show these kinds of object making stuff from a 3-D graphing/modeling program?

What video will show the doing of really neat & great kinds of solid 3-D shapes, where it create like a giant round swimming pool-with water in it that looks really deep, & other really little objects just right near it, that would just be shape of people, animal, or a tree, or/and few other geometric objects by it, that's all done by a Graphic Scientific Calculator or a graphing-drawing software like a 3-D builder?


Posted - August 21, 2022


  • 3719
    If you are looking for videos of physical objects being made from CAD files, I can suggest one possible location; and that is YouTube.

    There are a lot of arts, crafts and engineering videos on that site, of highly-variable quality in either video-making or the work they show (or both!), so I would imaging there are plenty of examples of both 3D-printing and 3D NC machining.

    I don't know how you go about finding specific things on YouTube - all the videos I have seen were reached by a link cited in another forum. 

    Sorry I can't be more specific, but I can't suggest particular videos. because I don't use 3D-printing or CNC machine-tools. (I can't learn the necessary 3D CAD programmes anyway!).  
      November 20, 2022 4:58 PM MST