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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » March. March. March. Technology marches on and cares not about you. Deal with it?

March. March. March. Technology marches on and cares not about you. Deal with it?


Posted - November 15, 2016


  • The people who make the technology care: they need the customers.
    They could make a mint by simplifying things for people who don't need bells and whistles.
      November 15, 2016 3:08 PM MST

  • 17558
    It's making good little stepford citizens.............that's the point.
      November 15, 2016 3:29 PM MST

  • 46117
    I get out of school in March.  I will blink and I will be done.  Screw technology.  I have zero interest.
      November 15, 2016 5:07 PM MST