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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » There's much to be said about extraordinary folks who are humble/modest. What can you say about ordinary folks who are arrogant/conceited?

There's much to be said about extraordinary folks who are humble/modest. What can you say about ordinary folks who are arrogant/conceited?

Posted - November 17, 2016


  • 17260
    I think most of us have a bit of both. What might seem humble/modest to some might be taken arrogant/conceited by others. It's back to the old phrase, you can't make everyone happy. 

      November 17, 2016 6:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    I shall have to ponder what you said SH. Right now on the face of it I disagree with thee and that is unusual. I know folks who are geniuses who don't think they're so hot. They are humble. Modest. Honest. I have  never seen a trace of arrogance or conceit in them. Now if you mean they may think they're hot  stuff but pretend they aren't that would make them deceitful. Of course I can't know if they are deceitful since I'm not a mind reader. Here's what I think. Everyone is AVERAGE. We all have  things we do brilliantly. We all have some things at which we are average/mediocre/ordinary. And even the best of us are lousy at  some things. So add them all up, divide by 3 and what you have is average. Our strengths and weaknesses differ. But we all have them.That's why I feel disdain for those who think they're hot stuff and "better than". They aren't. Now whether you agree with me or not doesn't really matter. But it does give you insight into where I'm coming from and why arrogance is among my least favorite character traits of human beings. I have known janitors who are very philosophical and witty. I have known company presidents who are quite obtuse and ignorant. I beat that dead horse. Apologies! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      November 17, 2016 8:05 AM MST

  • 17260
    We don't have to agree on every point. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. We may not be that far from each other. My postulate merely is that a certain behavior/remark or that alike can be given out of the right reasons. As such it will be a humble or modest act. However, some people might not like/approve the shown behavior/remark and will look at it as arrogant/conceited act. I'm not sure if I am making myself clear to understand where I came from when responding on your question. My take on this will be the perception among the receivers, and not the sender who very well might be sincere with their action/remark. That isn't necessarily important though among those looking at it. Hmm.
      November 17, 2016 8:26 AM MST