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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Once you "normalize" crazy/weird/nuts/insulting/stupid everything is up for grabs. The PET guy changed America.SHAME ON US! We let him. WHY?

Once you "normalize" crazy/weird/nuts/insulting/stupid everything is up for grabs. The PET guy changed America.SHAME ON US! We let him. WHY?

Posted - November 18, 2016


  • 46117

    This did not happen overnight.  We didn't do anything specific. It is what we didn't do.  That speaks volumes.

    Tons of people are pissed.  I hope they DO do something.  But really what CAN they do now?  Do you bother to read what the majority of people are saying on here already?  

    Typical Mugger response:  Stop obsessing.  Move on. 
    You know why? Because they do not get it.  I am at a school where most of the students are under 30.  You should hear what these ignoramuses say.  And these are the educated:  What difference does it make? This is so dumb.  Who cares anyway who is president, it doesn't mean anything."

    That is the typical response of the average student in my school.  The older ones are the ones that are sickened.  The younger ones did not even bother to consider voting.  They see no value in the process.

    I think this election was stolen  I think it was stolen when Bush gained office as well. We should have taken history into consideration.    I think most of the serious-minded did not think anyone this imbecilic had a chance.  But, he won the Primary.  That should have set up the warning signals right there for all of us.   AND IF I am wrong?  IT means that the youth of America have dropped out once more.  And I cannot say I blame them much.


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 18, 2016 10:23 AM MST
      November 18, 2016 10:10 AM MST