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"How to be a convincing liar". Apparently the more the convincing the liar the smarter he/she is. Imagine that?

Maybe we need to incorporate that in school curriculums. :(

Posted - November 27, 2016


  • " incorporate that in school curriculum's" ?  
     they do ."
    drama class , 
    religion ,
    history .
      etc  ;-) 

      November 27, 2016 4:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    I was in Drama class in 11th and 12th grades sweetie. That was all pretend. Remember? As long as EVERYONE KNOWS what's going  on there is no harm done. And didn't someone say that you have to engage in "suspension of disbelief" where art is concerned? You have to get into the spirit of it. As far as religion you know that is debatable. It depends entirely on your beliefs. Some believe the BIBLE is the word of God. I am not among them. I believe it is a book written over many decades by many different MEN who had agendas to get across and they left out a lot and put in a lot. You know by now I'm not an Atheist but I have family/friends who are I'm fine with that. As for history? I know a lot of crap finds its way into books and is taught in schools. Didn't some school in Texas years ago rewrite history books to eliminate science entirely and focused on Creationsim? Don't some books say the world came into existence with the birth of Jesus so saying the earth is billions of years old is a lie? I saw a gal on a talk of the talk show hosts as a matter of fact..who insisted that was true. Nothing existed before the birth of Jesus she said. So ya got all kinds. How do we fight it? When little Dickie Cheney was on the news talk show circuit years ago he kept trying to rewrite history. Many folks do. They tell you huge lies and sadly lotsa folks believe them. Shame on them. I'm not sure what your answer indicates it that we cannot escape it because our society is built on it? I used to think civility was what greased the wheels of society. Maybe it's lies. I'm gonna ask that question. I don't know if there are any answers but what could it hurt to ask? Thank you for your reply my FRIEND! :)
      November 27, 2016 4:31 AM MST

  • Well yea actually that might be necessary... those poor unfortunate children growing up in a country where their leader is a proven liar and dishonest as hell will need to learn how to lie and how to recognise liars or they just won't survive in a country where people support someone who's only interest is himself.
      November 27, 2016 4:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    As of January 20, 2017 that's exactly what we're gonna have. And the PET worshippers are willing to sacrifice their children to the master liar of all time. Sad? Dam* right it's sad. Thank you for your reply DdbTD and Happy Tuesday to thee! )
      November 29, 2016 10:43 AM MST