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Discussion » Questions » Communication » We see repeatedly that it doesn't matter what is said. It only matters who said it. Value is in the speaker alone not what is conveyed. Why?

We see repeatedly that it doesn't matter what is said. It only matters who said it. Value is in the speaker alone not what is conveyed. Why?

If you like the person you will like/embrace what he/she says. If you don't you won't. Two people could say the exact same thing. You would dislike one and like the other. It has been shown time and again that Republicans will reject what they created if someone they dislike on "the other side" embraces it. They have no shame. They never address the issue. They ignore how illogical they are. They only attack what they gave birth to if the person who agrees with them is on their "enemies" list. How does that make any sense at all?

Posted - November 30, 2016
